The International Student Senate is a platform for democratically elected student leaders.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

(International Student Senate 2010-2011)


Jorn Janssens is a twenty-two year old student at the Antwerp management school, currently pursuing a masters degree in Human Resource Management. He is holder of both a bachelor's and master's degree in Applied Economics at the University of Antwerp. Here he opted for specialisation in Economic Policy. During his academic career at the University of Antwerp his research and course assignment were mainly focused on the global economic crisis. From 2007 and onwards topics varied from the future of finance and the misalignment in banker's pay to a comparison between western countries reactions in the form of fiscal stimulus. 

He is convinced that the westerns economies are at a crossroads and need new vision and paradigms to build upon and create a stable, sustainable economic system. In order to do this, human capital will prove to be the most vital asset westerns countries possess, immediately explaining his choice for Human Resource Management. His main interests are focused around (macro)economics, financial markets and behavioural economics.

During his master's degree at the University of Antwerp he was an active member of the education commission. Furthermore he contributed to a study performed by Hay Group, an American consultancy, about the HR topic "How to attract and retain top talent". Additionally he was founder and general manager of a business-to-business miniature enterprise. Today he is a member of the student council of the Antwerp Management School.

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